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Under Company Financials, you can use the dropdown menu to view data over a specified time period. You can easily export the data in Excel.
Under Company Reports, you can find customizable Mergent Reports (company profile information in one document). Also, you can find a company's annual reports and competitors:
Business Insights: Global - Market Share Reporter
To search for market share reports on a specific product or industry and/or company:
Business Insights > Industries > Market Share Reports
Search within results: Apple and search in those results for your product, smartphone*, and limit to publication date: past year
Business Insights Global database search for market share reports for Apple and smartphones
Business Source Complete articles about market share
Business Source Complete articles about market share
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ABI/INFORM Collection includes ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry, and ABI/INFORM Dateline.
Find Statistics:
1. Type a company name (e.g., Sprint) in the main search box.
2. On the results page, click Market Share Reports link or the Rankings link.
Find rankings of companies:
1. Select Companies > select Company Finder.
2. Select NAICS on the left navigation column > type in NAICS industry code in the search box or highlight the industry from the available listings.
3. The companies are ranked by revenue.
Type a company name (e.g., Nike) in the main search box > On the results page, click Brands link.
Nexis/Uni home page > Select Company Dossier on menu > select an interesting parent company > select Brands from "Company Information" on the left menu
Find statistical data; historical, economic, and political information. A source for global business knowledge at Michigan State University.
Find information on the history, people and society, government, economy, energy, geography, and more for 267 world entities. The information are collected by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
Supermarket Facts
Find the facts and supermarket operations and consumer data from the Food Marketing Institute.