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Access QC Libraries' business research resources.

How to Find

Market Share Reporter is an annual compilation of reported market share data on companies, products, and services, which  is pulled together from a variety of sources, including journals, magazines and newspapers. The market share data are arranged by SIC Code, with indexes provided for company name, brand name, products and services description, and NAICS code.

Market Share Reporter is available online via the Gale Business: Insights database.

Search Tip:  Type a company name or ticker symbol into the search box and choose a company from the list of suggestions to retrieve a company profile. Scroll down to the "Company Articles" section and look for a link to Market Share/Rankings to retrieve results from "Business Rankings Annual" and "Market Share Reporter".

Find a company's market share & competitors in MarketLine Company Profiles via Business Source Complete (EBSCO).

Search Tip:  Locate and click on "Company Profiles". Enter the company name in the search box then click "Browse". Locate your company and click on "MarketLine Report."

Look up a company and click on the "Competitors" tab to view the company in a ranked list of its competitors.
Search Tip: The "Report Builder" tab allows you to create custom reports, including company-industry comparison reports.

Competitive analysis takes into account factors such as the market size and the market share, financial position, and reputation of key competitors. To find company profiles including information on key competitors, their major brands and products via the following databases.

Use ABI/Inform find articles from major business publications about business conditions, management techniques, business trends, management practice and theory, corporate strategy and tactics, and competitive landscape worldwide.

Business Source Complete Includes country reports, SWOTs, company profiles, and industry overviews. Try a search with "company name" and SWOT.

Look up a company and click on the "Competitors" tab to view the company in a ranked list of its competitors.
Search Tip: The "Report Builder" tab allows you to create custom reports, including company-industry comparison reports.

Nexis Uni provides access to the full-text of many news, business, and legal resources, including the New York Times. Create a company list using Company Dossier from "Business" topic under "Discover topics". Limit your search to companies within a specific industry, geographic area, or that meet a certain financial criteria. All results can be downloaded onto a spreadsheet.

The database provides in-depth information on U.S. and international businesses, industries and products, including company and industry profiles, financial data, investment reports, business periodicals, interactive charting and comparison tools, and more.
Search Tip: Type a company name or ticker symbol into the search box and choose a company from the list of suggestions to retrieve a company profile. If a SWOT report is available for the company it will appear on the company profile page. Click the "Read full SWOT Analysis" button to access the report.

Find MarketLine Reports via Business Source Complete (EBSCO).
MarketLine Company Profiles include key company information such as top competitors, major products and services, and revenue and SWOT analyses. MarketLine Industry Profiles include information about market value, segmentation and forecasts, Porter’s Five Forces analysis, and leading companies in the industry.
Search tip: Locate and click on the "Company Profiles" link on the right side of the screen. Enter the company name in the search box and click "Browse". Locate the company in the list and click on "MarketLine Report".

* MarketLine Company Profiles usually include a SWOT analysis.

Trade Association

Find a Trade Association using library databases:

Search for associations on Google or the Internet.

The databases has access to the associations related to business that are found in the Encyclopedia of Associations. To find associations ONLY, follow the steps below:

1. Start with "Advanced Search"

2. In the Search box, type any descriptive word for the trade association you are searching

(Use "AND" to combine the second search term if needed. For example, type in "New York" in the second Search box to find an association in New York State.)

3. Use the drop down arrow to find "Associations", under which highlight options depending the term you type in the search box. For example:

  • highlight Description if only a descriptive word in the Search box
  • highlight State if you search for an association in a specific State
  • highlight NAICS if you have the industry NAICS code

4. Click on "Search."

5. Once the results page appears, select the View All link to see the entire list.

Within this database, you'll find First Research.

Follow these steps to access:

1. From the Advanced Search screen, slide to the top left and select the 3-bar menu.

2. Select: Browse


3. Under Industry and Market Research, select: First Research

4.Scroll down to find your industry; Select: View Documents

5. Select a .PDF document that looks interesting. Scroll to the end and find a segment titled: Industry Websites. You'll find a list of associations that monitor your industry.

Follow the steps below:

1. Type the name of the industry and Search

2. Select: Industry Profile; Limit: Publication Year

3. Select MarketLine Industry Profile: Airlines in United States; Select: PDF Full Text

4. In the Table of Contents, find "Industry association"

A Search Example: "Where do I find a directory of trade associates in New York State or the US?"

  • Combine the name of an industry with 'New York' or "New York State.' For instance, 'restaurant trade association' AND 'New York,' you can find the New York State Restaurant Association as one of the top results:
  • Websites that appear to be directories of associations that one can search by state.

            -- CauseIQ - New York business and industry associations

            -- Directory of Associations

           -- State and National Associations (NYS Office of the Professions)

           -- New York Council of Nonprofits - Member Directory

           -- Nonprofit New York - Directory

  • Consult the chambers of commerce in New York State for lists of their member businesses. For instance,

          -- Greater New York Chamber of Commerce
          -- Manhattan Chamber of Commerce
            E.g., a list of chambers of commerce in NYS.

Market Research and Analyst Reports

Stock Market

Useful Websites - Companies traded as American Depository Receipts. Created by JPMorgan

Daily Stocks - links to company information - a variety of daily and weekly charts for periods ranging from just past few minutes to several years in numerous styles and colors.