JSTOR access: Available from 04/01/1963 volume: 1 issue: 1; Most recent 6 year(s) not available.
Wiley Online Library - Journals access: Available from 06/01/2001 volume: 39 issue: 1.
Elsevier ScienceDirect Journals Collection QC access: Available from 02/01/1995 volume: 19 issue: 1.
ABI/INFORM Collection - QC access: Available from 01/01/1988 until 12/31/2012;
Business Source Complete access: Available from 03/01/1926.
Gale Academic OneFile access: Available from 07/01/2001 until 04/30/2004.
Healthcare Administration Database - QC access: Available from 01/01/1988 until 12/31/2012.
JSTOR access: Available from 03/01/1926 volume: 1 issue: 1; Most recent 6 year(s) not available.
ProQuest Central Essentials - QC access: Available from 01/01/1988 until 12/31/2012.
ABI/INFORM Collection - QC access: Available from 01/01/1999; Most recent 1 year(s) not available.
Business Source Complete access: Available from 03/01/1996; Most recent 1 year(s) not available.
Econlit with Full Text - QC access: Available from 03/01/1996; Most recent 1 year(s) not available.
SpringerLink Journals - QC access: Available from 03/01/1997 volume: 2 issue: 1.
ABI/INFORM Collection - QC access: Available from 04/01/1992 until 12/31/2004.
Wiley Online Library - Journals access: Available from 03/01/1997 volume: 14 issue: 1.
Business Source Complete access: Available from 03/01/1974; Most recent 1 year(s) not available.
Wiley Online Library - Journals access: Available from 01/01/1997 volume: 24 issue: 1.
Business Source Complete access: Available from 12/30/1996.
Two ways to access QC Libraries' E-Journal search tool.
Find articles from scholarly and popular newspapers, magazines and journals by using OneSearch and Accounting databases.
The collection includes key business and economics periodicals such as The Economist and Sloan Management Review that focuses on global business trends.
Catalogue Link: OneSearch.
ABI/INFORM Collection includes ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry, and ABI/INFORM Dateline.
An essential tool for business students that covers all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, finance, and more.
Catalogue Link: OneSearch.
EconLit with Full Text is the most reliable full-text database for economic research that offers hundreds of full-text journals, including the American Economic Association journals with no embargo.
Catalogue Link: OneSearch.
JSTOR is a multi-disciplinary collection of scholarly journals and e-books that include primary sources, images, and more.
Catalogue Link: OneSearch.
JSTOR provided expanded access during the pandemic (June 2020-June 2023). Expanded access expires on June 30, 2023. CUNY will reinstate that access beginning in January 2024.You may review the Electronic Resources Status Dashboard for updates. Questions? Email: access-support@qc-cuny.libanswers.com or Open a Ticket!
Chronicle of Philanthropy provides nonprofit professionals, foundation executives, board members, and others with indispensable information and practical advice they need to help them change the world.
Catalogue Link: OneSearch.
Audit Analytics provides corporate gatekeepers and stakeholders with unique data and insights.
Catalogue Link: OneSearch.
Users can register for an account by following the instructions provided.
CCH Accounting Research Manager provides guidance for understanding and complying with the latest standards and regulations through coverage from all industry governing bodies, including FASB, SEC, AICPA and IASB.
Catalogue Link: OneSearch.
Users are required to create an account with their Queens College email (@qmail.cuny.edu or qc.cuny.edu).
Checkpoint provides fast access to thoroughly integrated and up-to-date research materials, editorial insight, productivity tools, online learning, news updates, and marketing resources. Checkpoint access includes AICPA Professional Library & FASB.
Catalogue Link: OneSearch.
Access to products within Checkpoint Edge:
Mergent Online offers a wealth of detail on items including business description, history, property, subsidiaries, officers and directors, long-term debt, and capital stock. The database provides extensive details for both public and private companies that can show you what a given organization truly looks like from every angle.
Catalogue Link: OneSearch.
Nexis Uni offers intuitive searching for all levels of research experience, empowering students to Access discipline-focused pages with curated news, featured publications, and relevant court cases for Political Science, Business, and Criminal Justice majors.
Catalogue Link: OneSearch.
--- Gale OneFile Entrepreneurship
--- Gale OneFile Business
--- Business Insights: Essentials
--- Business Insights: Global
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