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Accounting Research Manager

Note: The standards and rulings contained in CCH Accounting Research Manager database are from a wide range of accounting-related organizations.

Search Strategies

Search the Codification by topic:

1. Click on ARM® Topics A-Z link in the left column.

2. On the next screen, scroll down and select interested general topic area from A-Z list or use the search bar to find a topic, like "Inventory."

3. On the next screen, click on the link under a more specific topic interested, like "330 Inventory."

3. On the next screen, the content displayed is explanation and discussion from the editors at CCH.  Scroll down, under Summary of IAS/IFRS and U.S. GAAP,  click on a subtopic interested, like U.S. GAAP of "Cost".

4. On the next page, you will see more content/material from CCH.  Scroll down to select a link to connect to the specific paragraphs in the Codification addressing your topic, like "Initial Measurement."

Codification Citation

Look up a Codification Citation

With a reference to a section in the Codification:

1. Access CCH Accounting Research Manager. 

2. Put the reference in the search box. 

3. Select a topic from a list of FASB Topics appearing automatically under the search box.