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History Research Guide


The American Studies program at QC takes an interdisciplinary approach to exploring the American experience. For more information about the program, see the American Studies website, and its program requirements. This guide provides a selection of resources to highlight American arts, literature, history, politics, and society. Given the interdisciplinary nature of American Studies, other Research Guides prepared by the Library’s subject specialists might prove helpful:

/ Africana Studies Art   /   Music Political Science  /  Sociology  / U. S. Civil Rights History / U. S. Environmental History /  U. S. Social & Women's History  /  U. S. Urban History  /  Urban Studies  /

Scholarly Books

Search for printed and electronic scholarly books at QC and other CUNY libraries.
Search for scholarly books in the national catalog for the United States and Canada. Includes holdings from libraries in other parts of the world, primarily European or English-speaking.

Reference Essays (from Encyclopedias & Dictionaries)

Subject encyclopedias and other reference guides can provide good background information on a topic. Many reference books are in printed format, while others are available in electronic resource collections such as:

Gale eBooks (formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library)

Oxford Reference

Scholarly Journal Articles (Search Databases)

Primary Sources: U. S. History