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Research Step 2: Gather (Resource Types)

Select the type of sources that will be helpful for your research project


Statistical information often serves as persuasive evidence, because it provides a good way of measuring trends and identifying factors that are related to each other without relying on individual cases. However, you should always make sure that you understand how the statistics that you are using were gathered. Pay attention to the sample size and how members of that sample were selected.


  • American FactFinder
    Population data based on the US Census.
  • FedStats
    Provides access to the full range of official statistical information produced by the Federal Government.
  • Infoshare
    Statistics for local areas of New York City and New York State. Demographic data from the 1980, 1990, 2000 census. Health, immigration, socio-economic data since the 1990s. Queens College only.
  • Social Explorer
    United States demographic data, maps, and reports taken from the Federal Census, from 1940 to 2000. Queens College only.
  • Statistical Resources on the Web
    The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides this list of statistical government documents both in the United States and elsewhere.