Search for books using OneSearch. Each physical book is given an address called a call number.
For example, if we want to find the book Girls and Literacy in America, we use it's call number, LC1757 .G57 2003
To find the book, follow the call number:
L | According to the library classification system, L books are about education and are on the 4th floor. |
LC | After finding the L books, we get more specific and find the LC books. This tells us that this book is about Special aspects of education. |
LC1757 | After finding the LC books, we get more specific and find number LC1757. This tells us this book is about Special aspects of education, Education of special classes of persons. |
LC1757 .G57 | Finally, we sort books by author's last name. The G57 codes for the author's last name: Greer. |
LC1757 .G57 2003 | This last number is the year of publication. |
This is what the book looks like on the shelf:
The library is organized by subject. Books about education are located in the L section on the 4th floor. Use the Library of Congress Classification system as your guide:
Basic Classification of Education Books
L - Education (General)
LA - History of education
LB - Theory and practice of education
LC - Special aspects of education
LD - Individual institutions - United States
LE - Individual institutions - America (except United States)
LF - Individual institutions - Europe
LG - Individual institutions - Asia, Africa, Indian Ocean, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands
LH - College and school magazines and papers
LJ - Student fraternities and societies, United States
LT - Textbooks