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For library materials not available at QC or CUNY, searching other catalogs might be helpful. Here is a brief list:
WorldCat - searchable online catalog combining thousands of library holdings from around the world. Can help to verify citations, find books on certain subjects, identify subject headings, and where to locate certain books, serials, DVDs, and more.
Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience . Koob, George F., Michel. Le Moal, and Richard F. Thompson. London ;: Academic Press, 2010. Reference Level 3 QP360 .E52 2010
Encyclopedia of Neuroscience . Binder, Marc D., Nobutaka Hirokawa, and Uwe Windhorst.1st ed. 2009. Berlin ;: Springer, 2009. online.
Encyclopedia of the Human Brain . Ramachandran, V. S. San Diego, Calif: Academic Press, 2002. Reference Level 3 QP376 .E586 2002
Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience . Jaeger, Dieter, and Ranu Jung. New York: Springer Reference, 2015. Reference Level 3 QA75.5 .J33 2015.
The Gale Encyclopedia of Neurological Disorders . Narins, Brigham. 002nd ed. Detroit, [Michigan: Gale Cengage Learning, 2012. online
Handbook of Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience. Weiner, Irving B, Sheri Mizumori, and Randy J Nelson. 2. Aufl. Somerset: Wiley, 2012. online
Many databases cite doctoral dissertations but as a general rule, the Library does not acquire doctoral dissertations. In rare cases when the Library purchases a dissertation, it is treated as a " library book" and it is cataloged and shelved as such. To find out if the Library owns a particular dissertation, in OneSearch, search for author and title. Check CUNY/Graduate Center for CUNY dissertations which might be available there.
WorldCat lists dissertations available at other libraries, and these might be available for loan. Check WorldCat holdings prior to requesting specific dissertation via Interlibrary Loan.
Dissertations not available otherwise, can be purchased via the ProQuest Dissertation Express .
A limited number of QC student theses and capstone projects are available in the Library. To find current theses holdings and call numbers, use Advanced Search feature of OneSearch :
Non-QC theses might be available for loan via Interlibrary Loan. Check WorldCat for availability.