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Data Services

Data Services helps our campus community work with qualitative and quantitative data for teaching, learning and research.

What is Data Literacy?

Data is new currency for connecting people and ideas (Smith, 2013).

Data literacy is the ability to understand and use data effectively to inform decisions (Mandinach & Gummer, 2013).

Data literacy prepares students for the future.

Data Literacy Venn Diagram


Book Shelf

References and Sources

Dhar, V. (2013). Data science and prediction. Communications of the ACM, 56 (12), 64–73.

Kalidindi, S. R. &  Materials data science: current status and future outlookAnnual Review of Materials Research, 45, 171–193.

Mandinach, E.B. and E.S. Gummer (2013). A Systemic View of Implementing Data Literacy in Educator Preparation. Educational Researcher, 42(1), 30–37.

National Science Board (2005). Long-Lived Digital Data Collections: Enabling Research and Education in the 21st Century. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation.

Pryor G (2012). Why manage research data? In Pryor G (Ed.) Managing Research Data (pp. 1-16). London: Facet.

Smith S (2013). Is data the new media? EContent, 36(2), 14–19.

Tibor K (2017). Data literacy for researchers and data librarians. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 49(1), 3–14.

Reminder: you can request the books on the "Book Shelf" from other CUNY campuses. Please see how to request.