In order to cite materials properly you should use a style manual. Different style manuals are used for different fields. This is because practitioners in these fields are interested in different kinds of information about the sources being used.
The most commonly used style manuals are APA (American Psychological Association), which is usually used in the social sciences, MLA (Modern Language Association), which is used in the humanities, and Chicago Manual of Style, which is used primarily in History.
Rosenthal Library has copies of MLA Bibliography, Chicago Manual of Style and APA Style Manual in our Reference and Reserve collections.
In addition, there are many online resources to help you correctly cite your bibliographic sources. A guide to the Library's citation manuals can be found at our guide page. Here are online guides to three of the most popular citation styles:
Citation style guides vary on the specific formatting of the information. The most commons citation styles for the arts are Chicago Manual of Style and MLA.
Example : Vincent van Gogh, Wheat Field with Cypresses, 1889, Oil on canvas, 28 7/8 x 36 3/4 in., Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
RefWorks is a bibliographic citation manager. It providers researchers the organizational tools to manage sources of information, save the links to those sources, and create a bibliography from that stored data. RefWorks also provides you with the option to add citations manually, or export citations directly from OneSearch, databases, and even Google Scholar!
Citation Managers