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Civic Participation 2020

Civic Participation2020

What is the Census?

The Census is a count of every person living in the United States. It takes place every ten years, as is mandated in the US Constitution.  Data from the Census is used to determine:

  • Congressional representation. Districts are drawn based on the population of the area.
  • Federal funding for 316 programs, including Pell grants, hospitals, fire departments, housing programs, school lunches, and much more.

So, by filling out the Census, you can ensure that your community gets a say in federal lawmaking, and that your community gets the funding it needs to carry out important programs.

Who should respond to the Census?

Everyone who was living in the United States on April 1 should complete the Census.  It's a count of everyone who lives in the US, citizen or not. If you were experiencing homelessness at that time, you can still fill out the Census; it has options if you didn't have an address.

The Census does NOT include any questions about citizenship status.

Your Census data will NOT be shared with ICE, your landlord, or anyone else.

Note that although the embedded  video was created with Lehman College students in mind, the information is also very applicable to Queens College students.

How to Complete the Census

You can respond to the Census online, by mail, or by phone. The deadline is September 30, so please make sure you get your response in before then!

The Census asks some basic demographic questions, including: the number of people in your home, gender, age and race. Your responses to the Census are confidential. The form does NOT include a question about citizenship status.

Only fill out one Census form per household.

If you are a student, and you had to relocate temporarily during the Spring semester (for instance, if you live in the Summit), you should fill out the Census according to where you normally live during the semester. The Census created a video with more information:

American Community Survey

The American Community Survey is another survey conducted by the Census Bureau. It is separate from the Census. Unlike the Census, it surveys a sample of the population rather than everyone.

ACS is much more detailed than the Census. Its purpose is to provide demographic information about the United States.Data from ACS is important to political leaders, researchers, and others.