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Here are some strategies and tips to find peer reviewed scholarly journal articles using Database "Business Source Complete", you can use similar tips to find other resources.
Most of databases have similar interfaces which generally contain such components as one search box for "Basic Search" vs. multiple search boxes for "Advanced Search," "Limit your results" and other features. Properly limiting your results can help you find relevant results more effectively and efficiently. For example, to find peer reviewed journal articles published in recent 5 years, you can make the following options: (1) Scholarly (Peer Reviewed), 2. Publication Date (2015- 2020), Publication Type (Journal), Doc Type (Article), and Language (English).
- Initial keyword search - general search vs. specific search
- Iterate your search – broadening vs. narrowing down
- Browsing titles/abstracts/Subjects – take notes
* Subject Terms under the title/abstract of an article interested
* Subject (filter)
* Subject: Thesaurus Term
- Filter results
- More relevant articles
* “Cited References”
* “Times Cited in this Databases”
- Phrase searching – use quotation marks
e.g., “captains of industry” or “United States”
- Boolean – AND, OR, NOT
More examples (i.e., searching Mergent Online database to find company profiles)