Users may access OneSearch via our main QC Libraries webpage -- Quick Links -- OneSearch. Once on OneSearch, you may search for articles by title or keyword. For example: How Important is Parental Education for Child Nutrition?
Note: Searching by exact title should place your article in the first or first few items. You may filter to peer-reviewed articles, Resources Type, publication date, etc. Then select the Available Online option to be taken to the record.
If off-campus, you will need to sign into proxy using your CUNY Credentials For more information, please review the Remote Access FAQ. Once you do so, you should be taken to the article.
If you do not know the title of an article, search by search terms by utilizing the Advanced Search Feature of OneSearch. Example: Parental Education AND Child Nutrition. Type the terms into the Advanced Search box and filter to Articles or date.
Your search will retrieve results as shown below and you can select the Available Online link to be taken to the article. The filter on the left can also be used to narrow your searches.
If you are accustomed to using Google Scholar to search for articles, then we recommend that you use the Queens College Libraries' proxied Google Scholar. This will expand the results you retrieve. You will have access to freely available articles online and articles that the library owns and/or subscribes to.
Getting started with Google Scholar
Once on Google Scholar, you may begin searching for articles by title or keyword. For example: Evidence-based interventions for improvement of maternal and child nutrition: what can be done and at what cost?
Known Issues with Google Scholar
If you see the following error message when you try to access Google Scholar via the A-Z Database List, it is because Google sometimes blocks access via libraries' proxy server. Google does not provide information when this happens and often times the situation resolves itself. Access on campus should not be affected.
We recommend taking the following steps should you encounter this issue:
What OneSearch Searches?
OneSearch will try to find that term in the records by searching for
OneSearch searches entire records
What affects the ranking of the results retrieved from a OneSearch?
Academic Relevance
If the search parameters are broad then OneSearch will place overview/reviews higher than actual materials. If you filter the publication date or if we recently added something to the catalog, those show up first.
Improving your Searches:
Boolean Operators
Parentheses: can search more complex queries
Truncation: *
Wildcard: ?
Filters on the left hand side of the page. Use synonyms if your results are not what you want.
How to Retrieve Full-Text Articles from PubMed that are not freely available?
Let's try to search for Nutrition Protein by logging into PubMed through QC Libraries' A-Z Database List.
If you were to select the first option, you will then be taken to the following:
If you select the Elsevier tab on the top right, you will be taken to Elsevier-Science Direct.
Because you logged in through the QC Libraries A-Z Database page and the library has access to this title, you are able to see the download PDF button on the top left.
If you use PubMed often, you may do the following the following to ensure you see the Find It @ CUNY button:
• Sign up for an NCBI account and select Queens College, CUNY as one of your schools
• Bookmark the following:
o Once you access PubMed via the following link you will automatically view the FIND IT @ CUNY button.
To Search PubMed:
Just browsing?: consider using the Best Match filter
Tips for Using PubMed: a PDF guide prepared by the National Library of Medicine.
How do I search PubMed?
For many searches, it is not necessary to use special tags or syntax. PubMed uses multiple tools to help you find relevant results:
How can I focus my search?
To limit the number of search results:
How can I expand my search?
How can I narrow my search on PubMed to limit to original research articles?
PICO Search: An Overview
PICO: Problem, Intervention, Comparison and Outcome.
The PICO process is used to develop a good clinical research question. The following 7 steps can help you develop a sound research question:
Utilize CINHAL Complete via the QC A-Z Database List to conduct your search. For more example on PICO strategy, please review: PICO Tables.
You may also use the PICO Builder
Branching out: The MeSH Vocabulary (Video opens in new video)
An 11-minute video by the NLM on the use of the MeSH vocabulary. The video may be helpful to those with interest in MEDLINE.
Find Articles on a Topic (Video opens in new video)
A short video by the NLM
Find Articles by Author (Video opens in new window)
The video details the various ways to search by Author
E.g. By Author's Last name and initials (Do not use punctuation) Abigail Mary Williams ----> williams am
Find Articles by Journal (Video opens in new window)
The video details the various ways to search by journal
Complete Journal Titles - E.g. Journal of Pediatric Surgery
ISSN: E.g. 1531-5037
Medline Journal Title Abbreviation
Find Articles by Citation (Video opens in new window)
The video details searching by citation. In Basic Search, type a. Author b. Article title c. Journal Name
PubMed Subject Search - How it works (Video opens in new window)
PubMed: Get the full-text for articles (Video opens in new window)
PubMed: Saved Searches and sent e-mail alerts (Video opens in new window)
What is Sport Discus?
Sport Discus with full text has coverage of articles dating back to the 1930s. Areas of coverage include sports studies in the areas of fitness, health, medicine, education, law, and business.
How do I access Sport Discus?
The QC Library provides access to Sport Discus. Access is available via the following portals:
Note: Users will be prompted to sign into the library’s proxy using your CUNYCredentials–the same that you use for Blackboard and CUNYFirst. For more information, please review our remote access FAQ.
Should you encounter any technical or access issues, then please Report It by completing the Electronic Resources Access Form.
To begin searching, enter a keyword relating to your topic in the basic search box. E.g.Nutrition will provide you with the results below.
You may also refine your search to peer-reviewed titles, a particular date range, subject, publication (a specific journal), language or geography.
How do I download or read an article in Sport Discus?
Once you selected your article(s), you may choose HTML Full Text or PDF Full Text. In some cases, both will be available. However sometimes, there is only one of these options available.
If you are not satisfied with your results from your BASIC SEARCH and by applying filters, then you may want to conduct an ADVANCED SEARCH. You may add multiple keywords/subjects and utilize the Boolean operators –AND, OR,NOT. E.g.Nutrition AND Metabolism.
Note: Not all items within the database will be full-text. Some will be bibliographic records which contain information about the author, title, publication, etc. If you need an article where full-text is not available, we recommend the following:
The QC Library provides access to APA PsycINFO. Access is available via the following portal:
Note: Users will be prompted to sign into the library’s proxy using your CUNYCredentials–the same that you use for Blackboard and CUNYFirst. For more information, please review our remote access FAQ.
Should you encounter any technical or access issues, then please Report It by completing the Electronic Resources Access Form.
Tips for Searching:
1. Under Methodology: Select the Empirical Study Limiter
2. To view Test titles: Select Test and Measurements under Indexes
Useful Links on Browsing and Searching:
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