Paid Professional Development Opportunity: Open Educational Resources Winter Intensive
Apply today to develop an openly licensed syllabus for a zero-textbook-cost through a funded, week-long intensive introduction to Open Educational Resources. Participants receive $2,000 compensation. Applications due December 19.
Nearly forty percent of CUNY students come from households with annual incomes of less than $20,000. For many of our students, the cost of textbooks can be a steep barrier to academic success. Students often choose not to register for courses that require expensive textbooks, or fail courses simply because they cannot afford the materials. These patterns can lead to increased enrollment time and reduced rates of degree completion.
You can help! Queens College faculty have saved our students over $2 million in textbook fees since 2018 by using Open Educational Resources, or OER. Learn more about OER.
This winter intersession, the Queens College Library is pleased to offer an accelerated OER Fellowship Program. Through this program, held over four 90-minute remote seminar sessions January 14-17, OER Fellows learn the fundamental principles of OER and open pedagogy, develop technical skills to create and curate accessible course content, organize cohesive and coherent materials tied to overarching learning objectives, and apply rigorous assessment standards to identify existing resources for classroom use.
Faculty Fellows receive $2,000 in compensation.
Faculty Fellows commit to:
Through the Fellowship program, faculty learn to:
Faculty Fellows make the resources they create openly available for other faculty to adopt, and we are happy to be able to offer modest funding to each faculty member the first time they teach a ZTC section of a course using a Fellow's materials.
While Fellows responsible for developing course content and selecting OER to adopt and/or adapt, the library faculty can assist with finding OER, answering copyright and licensing questions, and other forms of support, both during and after the summer training sessions. Please direct any questions to Leila Walker at
If a faculty member in your department has already created a zero-textbook-cost syllabus or other materials for a course, we are pleased to offer you an incentive to adopt those materials.
Selected participants are expected to be in touch with the faculty member who created the materials for pedagogical recommendations. Library support is available to help adapt the existing materials, navigate technical issues, and address any challenges that pop up.
In some cases, converting a course to OER is stymied by the lack of available resources. We are pleased to offer incentives and support to faculty to create new openly licensed textbooks in cases where openly licensed resources do not yet exist or are inadequate to the needs of the course.
Selected projects are expected to:
Additional support will be provided as needed.
Collaborative projects are encouraged.