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Modern Greek Languages & Literature

a guide to resources on Modern Greek literature and language, from the Byzantine era to present.


The titles listed  below are Modern Greek journals our library receives electronically and available to you as QC students and faculty.  This list will change as we accept new ones or let go of others as professor requests change, or journals cease publication . If you are looking for articles within a particular journal, or a professor recommended a title listed below for your research, you may click on it and  begin your research once you have been prompted for and entered your CUNY Empl ID information.  This is just a selection; other electronic journals can be searched for from our Electronic Journals  portal.

Periodicals once housed on level 1 are now located offsite in Queens Hall and accessible by requesting the needed article through InterLibrary Loan (ILLiad).    In some instances, some older years may be in microfilm (request at Borrowing Desk once Library and services reopen). To know the exact location of the article/journal that you are seeking, please consult OneSearch from the library homepage

Modern Greek Journals

Greek Newspapers in English and Media & Publishing Outlets

Greek Cookery

This guide ends with Greek food, considered to be among the finest and most delicious cuisines in the world.  Greek food is healthy and emphasizes simple fresh ingredients.  The following are our ebooks on Greek cooking!