I am happy to share with you the rich resources of our library's holdings concerning Italian literature and language. Hello, my name is Carlo Minchillo, Bibliographer for Italian language and literature.
To get started on a paper or research project involving Italian language and literature, you can begin with an overview article about the topic that can be located in a Italian literature encyclopedia such as the ones listed under the tab "Books & E-Books." After locating and reading an entry relevant to your topic, make note of the 'Works Cited' page of the books and articles used by the author. They may lead you to other relevant resources. Jot down the vocabulary and terms used to describe your topic, which may serve later as search terms in our OneSearch catalog. Critically evaluate the information in terms of content, currency and documentation. When in doubt about an assignment, talk to your instructor.
If you wish to contact me about this guide or, if you are faculty, for a library session, please use my contact information in the right frame. I am available to chat with you most Mons-Fridays, daytime hours, during this remote period.
Buona lettura!