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Translanguaging Pedagogy

About the Workshop Series

In Fall of 2022, Khánh Lê led a series of three interactive workshops on translanguaging pedagogy for faculty teaching in the English Department. This guide is meant to preserve some of the content of those workshops, while providing a launching point for future inquiry.

Khánh Lê is a Substitute Assistant Professor of Multilingual Literacies in the Department of Linguistics and Communication Disorders at Queens College, CUNY. He earned his PhD in Urban Education from the Graduate Center, CUNY. He is a scholar of language, race, refugee, and trauma studies. As a child of a refugee family and a product of the Vietnam War, his research is at the intersection of translanguaging, transtrauma, and transmethodology. His most recent publication, “The Language Warriors: Transcending Ideologies on Bilingualism in Education,” is co-authored with Lara Alonso and employs Participatory Action Research with middle school youth in Brooklyn, New York City as they reveal how bilingualism becomes a way to unite students and to fight deficit views of language minoritized communities. He has co-authored book chapters with Ofelia García, Gladys Aponte, and Ivana Espinet, published in the edited volumes: Translanguaging and Transformative Teaching for Emergent Bilingual Students and The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Education. He is the recipient of the Graduate Center Fellowship, the Dissertation Year Fellowship, the Provosts University Fellowship, the Advanced Research Collaborative Grant, and Fulbright Hays Grant.